From little acorns ... new beginnings
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For a long time I have enjoyed creating objects for my home. I have crocheted many blankets and enjoy the tactile feel of working with wool.
It seemed a natural progression to take up weaving. I was lucky enough to be given two small table looms and set about restoring them and learning how to set them up for weaving.
It was a challenge to learn the whole new language of weaving. Of warp and weft, heddles and treadles. The planning of a project requires many calculations of thread requirements and decisions about colour combinations. It was also a challenge to develop a new coordination between my brain and hands to create a cloth which is evenly woven and drapes well.
Practice has been the order of the day and I have learned much from my mistakes as well as my successes.
Having fallen totally in love with the weaving process I took the plunge and bought a second-hand floor loom and installed it in the shed in the garden of our home. This loom enables me to weave finer fabrics and in a wider width. It is on this loom that I create many of the items I now offer for sale.